2. Listen to People Present the Gospel and then practice their method.
Ray Comfort with Living Waters University - These videos (click on Living Waters University link) are extremely good for learning how to use the 10 commandments and the judge illustration in witnessing. Notice how Ray doesn’t argue with people about whether or not there is a God but just states the facts that there is one and asks them how they will stand up on judgment day. Living Waters also has great tracts to give out when witnessing. View this humorous video below to see how NOT to give out tracts.
Wretched with Todd Friel – (Ray Comfort helped start Wretched and Wretched has supported the Bible Bee in the past.) Most Wednesdays is “Witness Wednesday” on Wretched TV and Wretched Radio and you can listen to Todd witness to people, mostly students on college campuses. Most of the time he uses Ray’s method of evangelism, but it is great to hear how someone else uses this foundation and adds his own personality to it.
Perspective Cards and App – This is a witnessing tool by Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ). This tool helps you start a conversation with someone about what they believe so that you can know where they are coming from and then be able to share your own faith with them.