4. Look for everyday conversations to share your faith.
Are we looking and asking God for these types of conversations? I have often been able to share my faith with acquaintances through everyday conversations like their comment on a Bible verse I was wearing on my shirt, listening to someone’s struggle to be good enough in life, or someone having surgery or an illness. If you are being alert to conversations and ways that you can point someone to the Savior, God will bring divine appointments into your life to share your faith.
Walter Lewis Wilson was a doctor in Kansas City who witnessed on a daily basis with his patients, on the street corner, in the park, at churches, and wherever he went. He prayed for divine appointments and then was intentionally looking for ways to relate things of this earth to spiritual things to lead into the Gospel. Suggested books by him about his encounters are: “Just what the Doctor Ordered”, “Dr. Wilson's Stories Of Soul Winning”, “Let's Go Fishing with the Doctor”, and “Remarkable New Stories Told by the Doctor".
Another suggestion is to write a letter to a friend or family member who is not saved and share the Gospel through this letter. The reason that writing a letter to someone is often an effective way of sharing the Gospel is since a lot of people do not write letters any more it shows that you value someone by taking the time to write and also it allows them to read it over and over, taking time to think about what you wrote. It is also a personal message to them versus something that you just printed out or bought to give to them. Those things have their place too but sometimes people need the personal touch to realize that we do care about them and that we aren’t just trying to be right or get them to agree with our faith. “People don’t care how much we know, until they know how much we care” (Unknown).
Pray intentionally and specifically for those that are not saved. Whenever I sang the hymn "For You I am Praying", I was always promoted to pray for my grandfather to receive Christ. I praise the Lord that I received confirmation that he did trust in Christ as his Savior before his death. Make a list of 1-5 people that are not saved that you will intentionally and specifically pray for by name whenever the Lord brings them to mind. You might pray for these people when you see a text or email from them, when you hear a stirring sermon about the Gospel, when you get up every morning or do a certain thing, or whenever the Lord prompts you. Then be looking for how God answers this prayer or opens the door for you to have a conversation with them about the Gospel. Sometimes it might be many years before they are saved or you may never know how your prayers impacted their life; but don't become weary in praying! The Lord hears your prayers and moves in ways we cannot understand.