Attributes of God Resources:
After you return from your walk, have your children draw or write some of the things that were seen on your walk.
Treasure Hunt
Before your walk, draw or write some of the things that you anticipate seeing on your walk based on the chosen subject. Then as you walk, or after the walk, have your children circle the items that are seen. If you are using the Treasure Hunt template above, they could try and find three in a row or just circle as many as they can.
(Other Variations) Bingo: Use the Treasure Hunt template as the Bingo board. Write or draw items that you anticipate seeing on your walk based on the chosen topic. Circle them as you go on your walk. You could give a reward to the whole family for working together on one board and getting three in a row, or you could let each child have a board (with the objects put in various order on the board) to see who can get three in a row first. A small reward could be given to the first child to get a bingo. The FREE space could be something that the child observes related to the subject but is not already placed on the board. Tic-Tac-Toe: You could also play tic-tac-toe with this template by having the children place X's and O's on the board whenever they see something listed on the board. You could have them rotate in turn, marking their symbol on the item seen, or let whoever sees and calls out the object first put their mark on the board. |
Record any significant thoughts, observations, or insights made by your children on your Walk and Talks. This record might be important for your children so that they can later reflect on how God was moving in their life. If your children are old enough, have them journal their own thoughts.
Sharing the Gospel with Kids
View resources for learning how to lead children in believing in Jesus as their Savior. |
Character Resources
Consider these tips and resources to teach children godly character.
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