Help kids learn some of God's attributes by singing this song about the attributes of God (set to the tune of Mary had a Little Lamb).* You could teach 1-3 attributes each time you sing the song or let the kids pick the ones they want to learn about. |
Use these flashcards for the kids to match the attribute with the correct picture. Have the kids compete against each other to see who can get the most correct sets. As you go over the answers, have the kids take turns explaining what each attribute means. Print this file on cardstock for durability. |
Cut on the solid black lines.
Have the kids draw their own picture for each of the attributes and then cut the flashcards apart to match the attribute with the picture they drew. |
Cut on the solid black lines.
Sharing the Gospel with Kids
View resources for learning how to lead children in believing in Jesus as their Savior. |
Character Resources
Consider these tips and resources to teach children godly character.
Nature Walk &
Talk Guides Enjoy these guides as you spend time with your family in God's creation. |