(Podcast) Raising Children to be Spiritual Championswith George Barna on Telling Future Generations radio, hosted at CEF of Illinois, Kids Matter Most Conference, 2018. Part 1 --- Part 2 --- Part 3 --- Part 4.
Don't Tell Kids Bible "Stories" by Bodie Hodge posted on Answers in Genesis- Read why the word "story" is the wrong word to use when talking to kids about the Bible. Changing your vocabulary may preserve the faith of the teens or kids in your life.
Gen Z--Article 1 and Article 2 - by Barna and Impact 360 - See results concerning faith, truth, priorities, and church from the newest survey on the mindset of this generation.
"When Does Life Begin?" by Dr. Tommy Mitchell from The New Answers Book 2 posted on Answers in Genesis - What does science say? What does the Bible say? Who is the authority on the Life Issue?
Ten Reasons to Memorize Big Chunks of the Bible by Jon Bloom on www.desiringgod.org - Ever need a little extra convincing to spend time memorizing God's Word? These ten reasons will negate your excuses and convict you that it's time to start memorizing! See our Scripture Memory page for tips and resources on memorizing.
Where Parenting Begins - By Jim Newcomer on www.answersingenesis.org - Because children take in more than parents often realize, sometimes children's bad behavior reveals what they are observing in their parents. The last paragraph is the key points for reminding parents of the benefits of addressing their own heart first, in connection with dealing with the hearts of their children.
Paul's Example of Faithful Service - Part I- By Kristin Renfer on www.soifixmyeyes.com - This devotional reflects on Paul's attitude on serving and is a great devotional for teens and adults to reflect on as they prepare for summer ministry opportunities.
Helping Children in Suffering by Daye with NETworkers TEC - Watching someone go through pain and suffering is hard for an adult, let alone a child. And unfortunately, because of Adam and Eve’s sin, pain and suffering are an inevitable part of this world. View activities and discussions to have with children who might be going through suffering or watching a loved one suffer.
Witnessing Through Everyday Encounters: Today's Date by Daye with NETworkers TEC - Do you know what is the most diversified advertising campaign?Read the answer in this article and how to use it to witness to others. Ideas for Family Bible Reading (Old Testament)by Daye with NETworkers TEC - See over 50 ideas for interactive activities to do with your children as you read through the Bible as a family. How to Bring the (Whole) Bible to Life for Kids by Jimmy Needham posted on www.desiringgod.org - Needham shares the importance and relevancy of reading the WHOLE Bible with your children (even elementary aged children). He also shares four creative ideas on how to keep the little ones engaged while reading the text that helps them understand the truths being taught and makes the Bible, even books like Leviticus and Numbers, come alive.
(Podcast) Why Kids Matter Most Posted with George Barna on Telling Future Generations radio, hosted at CEF of Illinois, Kids Matter Most Conference, 2018. Part 1 --- Part 2 --- Part 3
Apologetics for Childrenhosted by Mikel Del Rosario on the Table Podcast - guest Melissa Travis posted on www.crossexamined.org
"God's Glory Illustrated - for Kids" by John Piper on www.desiringgod.org - Piper first helps parents know what it means to glorify God and then gives examples that they can use with their young children to help them be in awe of God as well.
"A Biblical Defense of Child Evangelism" by Hanna with NETworkers TEC - This paper answers the question, "What is the Bible's perspective on evangelizing children?" by looking at key passages in the Old Testament, the Gospels, and Paul's letters.
New Year's Resolution-Read the Whole Bible...in Two Weeks - by Hanna with NETworkers TEC - Challenge yourself to prioritize reading the Bible as you start the new year, in order to get an aerial view of God's plan in the Scriptures. Prepare, Give, and Trust - by Hanna with NETworkers TEC - Ideas to get started in witnessing when a believer doesn't know where to begin.
"Answers for Your Children's Christmas Questions" - by Scot Chadwick with Answers in Genesis. Questions include "who is Jesus?", "when was Jesus born?", "where was Jesus born?", and others. Answers based on Scripture; additional articles included for further study.
(1) An Outline of the Gospel and (2) Gospel Script- by (1) Hanna with NETworkers TEC and (2) In the Gap and Maggie G. (Missionary) - These two handouts provide an overview of the Gospel. The outline can be cut into bookmarks and placed next to the key verse for each color; then you have the points available to share for each Scripture as you walk someone through the Gospel. If you are not comfortable sharing the Gospel with someone, these resources provide simple points that you can memorize or become familiar with so that you can easily lead a person to the Savior. If you are looking for other resources for sharing the Gospel, please visit our RESOURCE page or CHRISTMAS RESOURCE page.
DISCLAIMER: We have tried our best to screen all outside articles, links, resources, and books. We encourage parental supervision when visiting or using other websites, resources, and books. Outside articles, links, resources, and books are for informational purposes and do not necessarily imply endorsement by NETworkers TEC of all contents, comments, theology, teaching, external links on their websites, or ads found on other websites. As always, review websites, resources, and books before sharing with children and youth. If you have a concern, please let us know.